Pete Kendall's Socio Times: A Socionomic Commentary

November 9, 2006
Transsexuals Push Sports to Think Anew; Who Is Male, Who Female? 
John Harper was his high school valedictorian and Male Athlete of the Year. In college, he became an All-Canadian cross-country runner and earned advanced degrees in physics. Yet he carried a gnawing secret.
While he had male physical characteristics and sex organs, his brain had developed female, leaving him feeling from a very young age that he was a girl locked in a boy's body. He would eventually lose two marriages -- the second after he told his wife he wanted to correct his sex organs and live as a woman.

“It's a genetic mistake that makes me the way I am,” Harper says. “But this is the life I have. And I'm happier now than I've ever been.”

In January, at age 49, Harper underwent gender reassignment surgery after taking the name Joanna. A top over-40 runner in Portland, Oregon, she is one of a growing number of transsexuals whose love of sport, determination to compete and willingness to speak out are forcing sports leagues and governing bodies to redefine who is female and who is male.

“We are delving into the investigation of what is sex, and we are learning it is a far more complex question than we ever imagined,” says Arne Ljungqvist, 75, a Swedish pathologist on the International Olympic Committee's medical panel.

The Lausanne, Switzerland-based IOC drew up a policy in 2004 that allows “transitioned” athletes to compete once they have changed their legal status, had surgery and waited two years to lose the advantages of the sex hormones testosterone or estrogen.
Other governing bodies, including USA Track & Field and the United States Golf Association, have adopted similar policies.
 “People need to understand that we are actually females with a physical problem, and not males with a psychological problem,” golfer Mianne Bagger, who plays in Europe, says. “We were born this way.” She considers the word ``transsexual'' offensive. “Transitioned people have corrected their sex, not changed it,” she says.

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Sex Changes Take Gender Questions To Ball Fields
By: Pete Kendall, November 9, 2006

In bear markets, male and female symbols more readily sport mixed or integrated sexual identities.
The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, October 2002

The participation of more “transitioned people” on the playing fields is another sign of a bear market in social mood. The first “sex verification” came at the European Track and Field Championships in 1966, the end of a third wave of Cycle degree. Prior to that point in time, it just wasn’t difficult to tell the girls from guys. In the bear market that followed, it got a lot tougher and various tests were devised. But there was still just one transsexual athlete of note, Rene Richards, who won the right to play professional tennis in a well-documented court case. The article at left listed several who are now competing. “The issue is one of fairness: Is it fair for former men to compete against women, and vice versa?” In the middle of a bull market, it’s not an issue because social pressures make a clear distinction between male and female.  In a bear market, when ambiguity and alternate sexual styles rule, the issue of sex becomes “a far more complex question.”

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