Pete Kendall's Socio Times: A Socionomic Commentary

August 20, 2006
Buchanan Declares Third World Conquest of America
“As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.”

So begins a new work of warning from Pat Buchanan. And this time Buchanan goes all the way.

State of Emergency Third World Invasion and Conquest of America is designed to jolt readers with stats/analysis of illegal immigration gone dangerously wild. By 2050, there will be 100 million Hispanics concentrated in the U.S. Southwest.

Between 10 and 20 percent of all Mexicans, Central Americans and Caribbean people have already moved to the United States. Every month, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehends more illegal aliens breaking into our country, 150,000, than the number of troops we have in Iraq.

Buchanan slams the president: “Concerned about his legacy, George W. Bush may yet live to see his name entered into the history of his country as the president who lost the American Southwest that James K. Polk won for the United States."

In his controversial final chapter, “Last Chance,” Buchanan lays out a national plan to deal with the State of Emergency, before it makes an end of America:
* An Eisenhower-type deportation program, beginning with all illegal aliens convicted of felonies and every gang member not a U.S. citizen.
* A ten-year moratorium on all legal immigration, at the level JFK favored in 1958 -- 150,000 to 250,000 a year.
* A $10-billion, 2000-mile double-line security fence between the United States and Mexico, built with no apologies to Mexico City.
Drudge Report

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The Next Political Sensation; Anti-Immigration
By: Pete Kendall, August 21, 2006
Even at this early date, we might speculate on just a few developments that appear likely. For instance, I would be inclined to expect (in no particular order or time frame) that the Middle East and Latin America will destabilize; producing countries will wage a trade war of increasing tariffs; immigration, emigration and foreign travel will be restricted.
At the Crest of the Tidal Wave

anti-immigration book

The forecast from At the Crest is still far from reality, but it is starting to come into a view. In addition to the very clear signs of instability in Mideast and Latin America, and the collapse of global trade talks (see Cultural Trends section of this month’s EWFF), Pat Buchanan is stirring up the immigration debate. He’s still a fringe politician, but his bombastic rhetoric is suddenly moving closer to the mainstream (see Additional References below and entries of May 31, May 16, and March 27.

Back in 1996 when Pat Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary, The Elliott Wave Theorist stated that he’d become a “powerhouse” if the market declined. Of course, it didn’t and as the Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced past 10,000 and basically stayed there, Buchanan was largely marginalized. But as EWT said in 1996, “He is a depression candidate.” As the Dow moves back toward 10,000, Buchanan (or someone with a similar ability to tap into a deepening vein of American frustration over government, corporate layoffs, immigration and public morals) will quickly become a force to be reckoned with on the political scene.

Additional References

February 2006, EWFF
Putting the Il back in Illegal Aliens
Another manifestation of a bear market is the attitude toward immigration. First, recall what The Elliott Wave Theorist said on the subject in October 2003: “The U.S. will increase restrictions on immigration.” Last month, over two years after our forecast, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “toughest immigration legislation in more than a decade.” The bill includes “provisions that once seemed unthinkable to many lawmakers, like the construction of five fences across 698 miles of the United States border with Mexico.” As EWT has noted, in bear markets, “people build walls and fences to shut out those perceived to be different.” Tom Tancredo, the Colorado Congressman behind the fence idea (he also wants to add one along the border with Canada), marvels at his sudden move into the mainstream. “I would have said to you a month ago or so, ‘Yeah, it’s definitely the case that I am a pariah.’ But it has changed. I’m respected. It leaves me speechless.” It was only last summer that Business Week’s cover story on “Embracing Illegals” stated that companies “are getting hooked on the buying power of 11 million undocumented immigrants.” “Let’s be real: the U.S. is not about to arrest and herd millions of men, women and children into boxcars for transport back across the Rio Grande,” said an editorial in the same issue. “That’s a nativist’s fantasy that will never come to pass.” But we caution such editorialists that in a major bear market, nativist and other fantasies of exclusion typically become stark reality. And the brunt of this bear market is still to come.

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