Pete Kendall's Socio Times: A Socionomic Commentary

Bush Moves to Seal Border
President Bush, trying to build support for a major overhaul of the nation's tattered immigration laws, said last night he would order as many as 6,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. border with Mexico.
"We do not yet have full control of the border and I am determined to change that," the president said from the Oval Office.
The Guard troops would mostly serve two-week stints before rotating out of the assignment, so keeping the force level at 6,000 over the course of a year could require up to 156,000 troops.
The president timed his speech hours after the Senate began intense debate on an immigration bill that has been getting increasing attention.
Associated Press
 May 16, 2006

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Bush Answers the Anti-Immigration Call
Category: POLITICS
By: Pete Kendall, May 16, 2006

If you live in a country with unstable politics, you should think about where you might go if things get oppressive. Simply preparing to move might not prove to be enough. Before you actually take that crucial action, your country of choice might shut its borders. Your country of origin might shut its borders.
Conquer the Crash

In last night’s address, the President admitted that ‘for decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders." Of course not. We were in a massive bull market, and borders fall away or are ignored when the trend is rising. The president emphasized that his plan, which includes provisions for the legalization of non-citizen immigrants, “is not amnesty;” but it’s not a crackdown either. So what is it? It’s an intermediate measure taken in response to the emerging influence of a bear market in social mood. As Sociotimes entries of April 24 and March 27 explained, it is being taken now, as the stock markets turn down from an extended rally, because a large-degree bear market is starting to take root. As one article stated, “Many Americans and influential conservatives in Congress are angry that foreigners are taking jobs and draining resources.” But GDP is growing at about 4%, just as it was for most of 1984-1990, 1992, 1996-2000 and 2003 to the present. The bear market in social mood is the difference now. The fear of foreigners is a deeply bearish emotion that’s gotten out in front of the downtrend. Conquer the Crash recognized the potential for a quick tightening of borders, advising readers, “Like everything in a developing crisis, it is imperative to be prepared well before you have to make a final decision. If you ever reach the point that you are sure you want a foreign refuge, you should move right then. If you choose a safe haven, and if the threats pass, you can always return to your home country.” For some Mexican immigrants, it already too late to take advantage of CTC’s early warning.

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