Pete Kendall's Socio Times: A Socionomic Commentary

July 13, 2006
Words Can Sting No Matter the Age
Yo' momma.

For almost every man, that tends to get your attention.

You have two choices: 1) Walk away. 2) Fight. Zinedine Zidane chose the latter. That it came with 10 minutes left in the second overtime of the championship game of the World Cup was just background noise.

Zidane, the star midfielder of the French team, reacted: He turned around to his tormentor, Italian defender Marco Materazzi, and head-butted him in the chest. Zidane was immediately thrown out of the game, which Italy ultimately won on penalty kicks.

Zidane was still awarded the Golden Ball as the best player during the Cup. Zidane shouldn't have head-butted Materazzi. But I understand.

We all have "trigger words" that make us react emotionally rather than rationally; you know them. Words have power. I have a small child, and the one thing that worries me more than just about anything is how to teach my son how to react to words - when kids, as kids will do, use the most hurtful language they can think up.

The humanist in me says, of course, he should get the teacher.The man in me says he should ball up his fists and do what he has to do.
Philadelphia Inquirer


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A Tarnished Futbol Star Burns Brighter Than Ever
Category: SPORTS
By: Pete Kendall, July 14, 2006
The Elliott Wave Theorist explained that declining waves are periods in which “more complex role models and antiheroes emerge.” This budding affinity for antiheroes is apparent on many levels of society.
The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, November 2004

After several days of silence, Zidane finally came forward with the following comment: "Above all, I'm human." He added that he didn't regret the head-butt that now marks the end of a distinguished 18-year professional career. As we note in today’s other post on Johnny Cash’s revived popularity, bear markets breed a social enfatuation with imperfect heroes and that dynamic is clearly playing out in Zindane and the act that cost a World Cup championship. Until Sunday, Zidane was known for his “sportsmanship and dancer-like style with the ball.” Due to his violent outburst, France lost the World Cup, but, in a strange but perfectly appropriate bear market twist, Zidane is probably more famous and just as revered as he was before the final. 

In addition winning the tournament’s most valuable player award he has suffered no loss of face among his countrymen. “President Jacques Chirac has had only kind words for Zidane since the match -- reassuring him that France still ‘admires and loves him,” reports an Associated Press dispatch from Paris. “Many in France have already pardoned Zidane.” According to a poll published in Le Parisien newspaper on Tuesday, a Fibonacci 61 percent of the 802 people questioned “forgave Zidane.” "We have made him into a god, we have canonized him, but he's above all a man, and a man is fragile and breakable," Former France coach Michel Hidalgo told LCI television. "He isn't Zorro, or the god of soccer." Zidane is simply making the transition from bull to a bear market hero as effortlessly as he once “dance” with the ball,. "I tell myself that if things happened this way, it's because somewhere up there it was decided that way," he told TF1 television. "And I don't regret anything that happened, I accept it."

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