July 20, 2005 New York Puts Out the Welcome Mat for Tourists read more
Wall Street investment banks will maintain that damage from the subprime lending debacle remains well contained as a result of their hedging strategies. The truth is that they have no other course of action but to exude confidence until they actually figure out who owes what to whom. The financial engineering that supposedly protects them from mortgage debt default is so convoluted and interleaved that it will take something resembling a meltdown to really know who is left holding the bags. - Sheldon M. Rubin read article.
The Times (London) article of March 8th says it all : "if you believe that the world will soon return to the inflationary conditions of the 1970s and 1980s, you should sell everything." The terrible irony, of course, is that we HAVE been undergoing hugely inflationary conditions in assets, equities, commodities and property right through the 1990s and particularly through this decade.The only way to judge inflation is through the lens of credit inflation. The chart shown on page 11 of The Elliott Wave Theorist in December showing the diminishing return of each dollar of new debt demonstrates the astonishing level of mal-investment that four decades of rampant credit inflation has led to. The only sensible conclusion is that this will reverse leading to a deflation of historic proportion. - Nick Marshall read article.
Th idea of the Kobe Club is a fascinating Socionomic epic in itself. Dining under 2000 Samurai swords pointed downward! To me this foreshadows what is coming for a great many Americans who will have a high probability of being fatally skewered as they try to "catch a falling knife" in a Grand Supercycle decline. Completely, totally, utterly bizarre. - Sheila read article.